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Explore Authors Magazine – Marketing Options

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Tell us what your book is about. Write an interesting summary about the book.
Tell us what your book is about. Write an interesting summary. Long summaries are used for full page coverage of books. May be edited for length.
Please submit a short but amazing summary of your book in 50-100 words. Please note, we may have to edit slightly for size consideration.
Please submit a short but amazing summary or overview of your book in 100-150 words. Please note, we may have to edit slightly for size consideration.
In 300 words, please answer ONE of the following questions... 1. What inspired you to write this book? 2. Tell us something about your main character (without spoiling the plot or story.) 3. Tell us about you. Please note, we may have to edit slightly for size consideration.
Please share a link to where readers can buy your book. If your book has a pending release date, please note that information here.
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