Title: Space, Time, and Loneliness: (A poetry chapbook)
Author: E. Hughes
Publisher: Love-Lovepublishing
ISBN: 978-1961823334
eBook ISBN: 978-1961823341
Genre: Poetry
Availability: Paperback or eBook
Language: English
Paperback: 40 pages
Item Weight: 2.4 ounces
Dimensions: 6 x 0.08 x 9 inches
Author website: https://ehughesbooks.com
Explore Authors Mini Review:
“Heart-rending poetry book about life and death across the expanse of space and time.” ★★★★★ – Explore Authors Magazine
Explore Authors Review:
Poetry is one of the most expressive and malleable mediums in literature. Poetry can be romantic, informative, intellectual, melancholic, stirring, or even terrifying. It can be written in simple or complex verses or morph into a gallant narrative poem. As Edgar Allan Poe once said, “Poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty in words” and that quote rings true with E. Hughes’ Space, Time, and Loneliness. (Full Review Here)
Where to buy: eBook edition
Amazon Kindle | Barnes and Noble | Walmart-Kobo | Everand | eBooks.com
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