Title: Only in America: Our sayings, Expressions, and Pearls of Wisdom Author: Jacqueline K. “Jackie”…
Category: American Life
American Life

The Deep End of the Pool: Where you swim, tread water, struggle, or drown by Dave Edwards
Title: The Deep End of the Pool: Where you swim, tread water, struggle, or drown…
American Life

Digital Smiles by E. Hughes (Poetry)
Title: Digital Smiles (Release date February 14, 2024) Author: E. Hughes Paperback ISBN: 978-1961823150 eBook ISBN:…
American Life

Dream. Walk. Live. by Mac Harvey
Title: Dream. Walk. Live. Author: Mac Harvey Publisher: Oceanfront Press ISBN: 979-8218176495 eBook ISBN:…
American Life

The Journey by Jess Sweely
Title: The Journey Author: Jess Sweely ISBN: 979-8218140014 Acorn Hill Press Genre: Memoir, Business, American…
American Life

From Dis-ability to This-Ability: Rising Above Life While by Meetra Nahavandi
Title: From Dis-ability to This-Ability: Rising Above Life While Living with Spina Bifida: A Memoir…
American Life

The Best Worst Dog I Ever Had by Larry Ehrhorn
Title: The Best Worst Dog I Ever Had Author: Larry Ehrhorn Publisher: Madijean Press ISBN:…