Book Review: Disappear, Love | E. Hughes

Book Review: Disappear, Love | E. Hughes
Genre: Mystery/Suspense
Reviewer: Elijah B


Disappear Love tells the story of Tai Lawson and her mysterious lover, “O”. Trouble ensues when a series of arsons begin to plague the town of Madison Heights. Tai is on the case as a news reporter, and also as a civilian researcher for the local police department where her friend Dana works as a lead arson detective. After much searching for clues with her detective friend, Dana believes the arsons are linked, since the victims are all local downtown restaurants. Soon, the investigation moves from arson to homicide when an employee of the local pancake house is found dead in a burned down restaurant. The only remaining restaurant in the area happens to be where O works as a chef, unbeknownst to Tai, when she begins her investigation. O disappeared on her six years ago without explanation after a passionate affair.

Tai strikes me as a very young person, emblematic of today’s millennials who seem more adolescent than adult. She’s caught up on a high school love, even after an engagement, and finds herself swept completely off of her feet. She lives at home with her parents, who treat her like a rebellious teenage daughter, and with good reason. They think Tai is more fragile than she actually is, and Tai is more than ready to let go,.

The story’s strength is in keeping the reader engaged, the mystery and arson investigation keeps the reader in suspense on every page.  The weakness is in the heroine, in that, she feels much younger than her age, particularly in how she engages with her mother and father. There is an arc to this aspect of the story, which I found enjoyable, suspenseful, and engaging throughout.

Disappear, Love earns a solid 5 star rating out of 5

– Elijah B