The Warrior and The Enchantress by Diana Sherrill Richards

The Warrior and the Enchantress

Diana Sherrill Richards

Bright Star Romance

ISBN-13 : 978-0-578-82018-7

Paperback : 274 pages

Product dimensions : 6 x 0.70 x 9 inches

Weight  14.8 ounces:

Language: : English


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  • A beautiful and epic romance, The Warrior and the Enchantress is everything readers want in a medieval romance.
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About the book:

Chanity was the beloved daughter of the Chieftain and Lady of Holdenworth. She enjoyed a happy childhood until the day raiders attacked. Vorik the merciless slew her father and enslaved her mother, Serina. After Serina’s death, Chanity was alone and in Vorik’s care. Who would protect her from him? She had nowhere to run, and no one to run to. Chanity was older now, and did not believe in a fairytale Knight in shining armor, but perhaps she should.

Derek was a skilled warrior, born the second son of an Earl in Normandy. At the age of ten and six years, he and his two best friends set out to join William, the Duke of Normandy. Derek proved himself on the field of battle, and was quickly Knighted. After nine years of service to William, he was given permission to raid Holdenworth, and seize it from Vorik. At long last, he could avenge his family and claim the land and title he had fought for all these years. It came as no surprise to Sir Derek that the people of Holdenworth saw his arrival as a godsend. What did come as a surprise was finding Chanity, a truly enchanting beauty. But would enchantment be enough when he wanted a true love that would last a lifetime?

About the Author:

Diana Sherrill Richards was born in Athens, Al. She still lives in North Alabama with her husband Randall. She has a grown son Justin who lives forty minutes away. She found her love for reading books at age sixteen and wanted to be a writer shortly after that, but through the years kept putting it off. She finally decided if she was going to see her dream come true, she needed to get started on her first book. She hopes you love reading it as much as she enjoyed writing it.


What inspired you to write The Warrior and the Enchantress?  

My love for books and reading inspired me to write The Warrior and the Enchantress.

I have always wanted to write my own book. I thought it would be fascinating to see my ideas and characters come to life through the pages of a book. It has been a wonderful experience writing The Warrior and the Enchantress, and I have loved every minute of it. I enjoyed reading so many books by amazing authors through the years and I hope readers will enjoy mine as well.

 How does this tie-in to books you like to read?

Historical romance books have always been my preference because I love history. The further back in time a historical romance takes place, the more fascinating it is to me. It seems my favorite time period is the medieval and crusade era from 1000 AD through 1290 AD. But don’t get me wrong, I love reading historical romance novels that take place all the way up to 1900.

 Any books that your readers can look forward to in the future?

My second book in the Brotherhood of the Heart and Sword series is The Warrior and the Angel. It is in the works now. I really love this book and hope readers will as well. The character Bram is in my first book, and this will be his and Athena’s story. When I’m not working on the second book I’m coming up with ideas and taking notes for the third book. The third book in the series will be The Warrior and the Temptress. For the moment, I’m just concentrating on those, not wanting to get ahead of myself.

As a reader, I hope all the writers out there realize how much they touch the people’s lives that read and look forward to their books. As a writer, I also hope the readers know how much they are appreciated; not only for purchasing the books but sharing in our stories.